Course Open.



 New Membership 2025

·         Junior

o   8 to 14 - €171 sub

o   15 to 18 - €228 sub

 + €7.50 Golf Ireland 


·         New to golf

Year 1

o   €845 sub

+ €50 Social
+ €30 Golf Ireland
+ €45 Sand

 Year 2 

o   €1,130 sub

+ €250 (9 years)
+ €50 Social
+ €30 Golf Ireland
+ €45 Sand


·         Over 30  

o   €1,130 sub

+ €250 joining fee (9 years)
+ €50 Social
+ €30 Golf Ireland
+ €45 Sand


·         Under 30  

o   €788 sub

+ €250 joining fee (4 years)
+ €50 Social
+ €30 Golf Ireland
+ €45 Sand

·         Intermediate - Under 25 years of age on January 1st, and in continuing education

o    €332 sub

+ €250 joining fee (4 years)
+ €30 Golf Ireland
+ €45 Sand


·         Country – (Full member of another club and reside outside 50 mile radius from BGC)

o   €676 sub

+ €250 joining fee (9 years)
+ €30 Golf Ireland
+ €45 Sand


·         Family

o   €2,406 sub

+ €4,200 joining fee (3 years)
+ €50 Social (each)
+ €30 Golf Ireland/ + €7.50 Junior
+ €45 Sand (each)


·         Overseas

o    €456 sub

+ €250 joining fee (9 years)
+ €50 Social
+ €30 Golf Ireland


 Download - Application Form

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