14.1. Meetings of the Men’s Club and Ladies Club Committees shall be held not less than six times per annum.
14.2. The Men’s Club
14.2.1. The separate Annual General Meeting of the Men’s Club shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be held in November.
14.2.2. At least seven days’ notice, in writing or by E-Mail, of such A.G.M. shall be given to members.
14.2.3. All officers and members of the Men’s Committee to be elected at the Annual General Meeting must be nominated by two male ordinary members of Bandon Golf Club. The nomination must be signed by the nominee, indicating his willingness to stand for election. Such nomination must be made to the Hon. Secretary of the Men’s Club, in writing at least four days before the date of the meeting. Only those so nominated can be voted for at the Annual General Meeting. No outgoing member, who without reasonable cause has failed to attend 50% of the Committee Meetings, shall be eligible for re-election. Employees of the club shall not be eligible for election to the Committee.
14.2.4. The Hon. Secretary shall post the names of all nominees for the Membership of the Committee on the notice board in the Club at least four days in advance of the General Meeting.
14.2.5. Notice of Motions, proposed and seconded by two Ordinary Members, must be given in writing at least four days before the meeting to the Hon. Secretary who shall display them on the notice board at least four days in advance of the meeting. Amendments to such proposals may be accepted at the meeting without previous notice.
14.2.6. All motions shall be decided by a simple majority of members present and voting. Voting shall be a show of hands. If a majority of members present wish any motion or amendment to be put to a vote by ballot, that mode shall be adopted.
14.2.7. At General Meetings 30 shall form a quorum.
14.2.8. Officers and members of the Committee shall be elected as laid out in rule 7.1.
14.3. The Ladies Club
14.3.1. The separate Annual General Meeting of the Ladies Club shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be held in November.
14.3.2. At least seven days’ notice, in writing or by E-Mail, of such A.G.M. shall be given to members.
14.3.3. All officers and members of the Ladies Committee to be elected at the Annual General Meeting must be nominated by two female ordinary members of Bandon Golf Club. The nomination must be signed by the nominee, indicating her willingness to stand for election. Such nomination must be made to the Hon. Secretary of the Ladies Club, in writing at least four days before the date of the meeting. Only those so nominated can be voted for at the Annual General Meeting. No outgoing member, who without reasonable cause has failed to attend 50% of the Committee Meetings, shall be eligible for re-election. Employees of the club shall not be eligible for election to the Committee.
14.3.4. The Hon. Secretary shall post the names of all nominees for the Membership of the Committee on the notice board in the Club at least four days in advance of the General Meeting.
14.3.5. Notice of Motions, proposed and seconded by two Ordinary Members, must be given in writing at least four days before the meeting to the Hon. Secretary who shall display them four days in advance of the meeting on the notice board. Amendments to such proposals may be accepted at the meeting without previous notice.
14.3.6. All motions shall be decided by a simple majority of members present and voting. Voting shall be a show of hands. If a majority of members present wish any motion or amendment to be put to a vote by ballot, that mode shall be adopted.
14.3.7. At General Meetings 30 shall form a quorum.
14.3.8. Officers and members of the Committee shall be elected as laid out in rule 7.1.
14.4. The Parent Club
14.4.1. The Annual General Meeting of the Parent Club shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be held in the month of December for the purpose of receiving the Annual Report and the audited Financial Statement of the Management Committee for the year ended the previous 31st October and for electing: 1. Office Bearers 2. Members of the Committee And transacting such other business of the Parent Club as may be on the agenda. For the purpose of the annual financial statement the term “audit” shall mean an examination by the Club accountants of the internal controls pertaining to the preparation of the accounts. The examination is to take place on an annual basis.
14.4.2. At least seven days’ notice, in writing or by E-Mail, of each General Meeting shall be given to each Ordinary member of the Club.
14.4.3. Notice of Motions and consideration of new rules or changes in existing rules, proposed and seconded by two Ordinary Members, must be given in writing at least four days before the meeting to the Hon. Secretary who shall put them on the notice board four days in advance of the meeting. Amendments to such proposals may be accepted at the meeting without previous notice.
14.4.4. A minimum of two-thirds of votes cast shall be necessary for the adoption of changes to the constitution. All other motions shall be decided by a simple majority of members present and voting. Voting shall be by a show of hands. If a majority of members present wish any motion or amendment to be put to a vote by ballot, that mode shall be adopted.
14.4.5. At General Meetings 60 shall form a quorum.