5.1 There shall be four Trustees - Ordinary Members of Bandon Golf Club. All the property of Bandon Golf Club whether real or personal shall be vested in the Trustees.
5.2. Any vacancy occurring by death, retirement, absence, incapacity, or unfitness shall be filled by election at the next following Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) of the Parent Club.
5.3. The Trustees shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold Office for four years, and shall be subject to the direction of the Management Committee.
5.4 At the end of each two-year term of office, two only of the Trustees selected will be automatically re-elected and the remaining two Trustees will be required to retire from their Trusteeship but will be eligible for re-election by the Annual General Meeting, and if so re-elected, any Trustee, or Trustees, may hold office for a further two-year term, when two of the other trustees will then be required to retire in the same way.
5.5. The Trustees shall when and so often as they shall be required to do so by a resolution of the Management Committee and approved by Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting with two-thirds of those present voting in favour (of which an entry in the Minute Book shall be sufficient evidence) buy any property or sell, mortgage or charge any property vested in them.
5.6. The Trustees shall be entitled to nominate one of their Members to attend (without voting rights) meetings of the Management Committee if one is not already a member of the said Committee.
5.7. Documentation requiring the signature of the Trustees must be signed by a minimum of two Trustees.