7.1. The Ladies Committee shall be elected by the female members in accordance with Rule 14.3.3 and the Men’s Committee shall be elected by the male members in accordance with Rule 14.2.3
7.2. The following officers shall be elected to both Committees.
(a) Captain
(b) Vice-Captain
(c) Honorary Secretary
(d) Honorary Handicap Secretary
(e) Honorary Competitions Secretary
(f) Honorary Assistant Competitions Secretary
(g) Honorary Youth Officer
7.3. Both Captains will hold office until the following A.G.M. and shall not be eligible for re-election for the ensuing year.
7.4. The right of nomination of men’s and ladies Captains and Vice-Captains shall be exclusively with their respective committees.
7.5. The respective captains – men’s and ladies – shall nominate, with the approval of the respective committees, their vice-captains prior to their Annual General Meetings. These nominations will be subject to the approval of the relevant General Meetings.
7.6. The outgoing Captains shall be ex-officio members of their respective Committees for the subsequent year.
7.7. Four male members called “Elected Members” shall be elected to the Men’s Committee and four female members called “Elected Members” shall be elected to the Ladies Committee.
7.8 Any vacancies occurring on the Men’s or Ladies Committees shall be filled by the co-option of Ordinary Members of the Club by the respective Men’s or Ladies Committees.