9.1. All funds accruing from whatever source are the responsibility of the Management Committee to be administered for the sole benefit of the Bandon Golf Club. The accounts shall be closed and balanced on the 31st of October each year and the Management Committee shall appoint an auditor (not a member of the committee) to audit the club accounts before the Annual General Meeting.
9.2. All cheques drawn on the bank account shall be signed on behalf of the Management Committee by at least two designated officers of the Management Committee but this committee shall have the power to alter this arrangement if deemed necessary.
9.3. The activities of the Ladies and Men’s Clubs shall be funded by the Management Committee.
9.4. No expenditure of the Funds of the Club shall be made unless previously authorised by the Management Committee and no contracts or agreements shall be entered into by any officer/s of the Management Committee or sub-committee thereof without the approval of the Management Committee for said contracts or agreements.
9.5. The Management Committee shall be responsible for the payment of the Annual Subscription Levy payable to the Golf Ireland in respect of the members of the Men's and Ladies Club.
9.6. The Management Committee is authorised and empowered to borrow for the purposes of meeting the financial commitments of Bandon Golf Club.
9.7. No expenditure of the Funds of the Club shall be made unless previously authorised by the Management Committee.
9.8. The Management Committee shall have the power to appoint employees upon such terms and conditions as the Management Committee may think fit, and to terminate such appointments and to appoint temporary substitutes from time to time.
9.9. The Management Committee and Trustees shall be indemnified against liability out of funds and properly of Bandon Golf Club, any member or members or other persons guaranteeing or undertaking the discharge of any liability for the monies borrowed or debt or debts incurred for the purpose of the club shall be indemnified out of the funds of and property of the club.