8.1. The Management Committee shall be constituted as follows: -
Both Captains
Both Vice-Captains
Honorary Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Honorary Course Officer
Honorary House and Social Officer
Honorary Membership, Marketing and Business Development Officer
8.2. The position of club Chairperson should be open to male and female members. If possible, in a nine year cycle the position would be filled by a Female member for a minimum of three years and a male member for a minimum of three years.
8.2.1 The position of club President should be open to male and female members. If possible, in a three year cycle the position would be filled by a Female member for a minimum of one year and a Male member for a minimum of one year.
8.3. All members of the Management Committee shall resign annually and shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting subject to the provision of article 8.10.
8.3.1. If possible, the Management committee should comprise a gender balance of at least 30% women and 30% men.
8.4. The president shall hold office until the next relevant A.G.M. and shall not be eligible for re-election for ensuing year.
8.5. No member may serve more than three consecutive years in any position on the Management Committee, Men’s Committee or Ladies Committee and with the exception of an ex-officio term, not more than seven consecutive years on the Management Committee, Men’s Committee or Ladies Committee.
8.6. Any member will be eligible for re-election to the Management Committee, Men’s Committee or Ladies Committee after a three-year period following the last seven-year term served.
8.7. Members of the Management Committee shall take up their appointments at the Annual General Meeting.
8.8. The Chairperson will chair all meetings of the Management Committee. In the absence of the Chairperson the meeting will be chaired by the President. If both the Chairperson and the President are absent a chairperson shall be elected by those in attendance at that particular meeting. The Chairperson at a meeting shall in addition to a deliberate vote have a casting vote. The Chairperson, or if absent, the President shall also chair the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings of that year. If both for any reason, are absent from the AGM another member of the Committee may be nominated.
8.9. The Management Committee shall be required to meet on a minimum of one occasion per month and have for discussion an agenda prepared by the Hon. Secretary. A quorum for all meetings shall be five members.
8.10. All members of the Management Committee, to be elected at the Annual General Meeting must be nominated by two ordinary members of Bandon Golf Club. The nomination must be signed by the nominee, indicating his/her willingness to stand for election. Such nomination must be made to the Hon. Secretary of the Management Committee, in writing, at least four days before the date of the meeting. Only those so nominated can be voted for at the Annual General Meeting. No outgoing member, who without reasonable cause has failed to attend 50% of the Committee Meetings, shall be eligible for re-election. Employees of the Club shall not be eligible for election to the Committee. The Vice President and Vice Chairperson shall be elected the year prior to taking up office as the position of President and Chairperson unless there are extenuating circumstances which have been approved by the Management Committee. The Vice President and Vice Chairperson shall be invited to attend a minimum of five of Management Committee meetings in the year prior to their appointment as Chairperson and President without any voting rights.
8.11. The Hon. Secretary shall post the names of all nominees for membership of the Management Committee on the notice board in the club at least four days in advance of the General Meeting
8.12. When electing officers, election shall be by means of a secret ballot supervised by two tellers appointed by the General Meeting. Where the number of nominations does not exceed the number of vacancies for any position those nominated shall be deemed elected.
8.13. Elections shall be decided on the basis that the person or persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected.
8.14. In the event of a tie for any position the Chairperson of the meeting shall decide by lottery without disclosing the names of those involved.
8.15. Any vacancies occurring on the Management Committee shall be filled by the co-option of ordinary members of the Club by the Management Committee.
8.16. Following consultation, the President, Vice President, Chairperson, Captains and Vice Captains shall propose a member for the position of “Vice President Designate”. The right of nomination to this position shall reside exclusively with the management committee. Nominations will be subject to approval of the Annual General Meeting of the Parent Club.
8.17 Following consultation, the Chairperson, President, Vice President, Captains and Vice Captains shall propose a member for the position of “Vice Chairperson Designate”. The right of nomination to this position shall reside exclusively with the Management Committee. Nominations will be subject to approval of the Annual General Meeting of the Parent Club. This person must be nominated by two Ordinary members of the Management Committee.